Pressure Point (film)

Pressure Point is a 1962 psychological drama film about a prison psychiatrist who is called upon to treat a Nazi sympathizer during World War II. It stars Sidney Poitier and Bobby Darin. The film was based on the short story Destinys Tot by Robert Lindner.

In the flashback, a new prisoner arrives and is assigned to the psychiatrist. The doctor soon discovers the prisoner was arrested for sedition by joining the German American Bund and calling for overthrow of the American government. The prisoner discusses sociopathic behaviors throughout his life with the psychiatrist, each being shown as a flashback first to his childhood where he had an abusive alcoholic father and mother with dependency issues, second to his early adulthood where he leads a gang of young adults terrorizing various locations and then to recently in the prisoners life where he had joined the Nazi party. Throughout the inmates life, he has displayed a lack of emotion for those around them and works to obtain only pleasure for himself through disruptive acts displaying the traits of Antisocial Personality Disorder.Throughout the series of flashbacks, the doctor begins to understand that the inmate is a danger to society at large and that, if released, would go about using his superficial wits and charms for his own ends. The doctor risks his reputation to have the inmate contained because outside of his office the inmate has a reputation as a model prisoner. The psychiatric staff decide to release the prisoner against his recommendation, believing he is biased against the inmate due to his belief in Nazism. This ends the flashback. When the other doctor asked what happened to the inmate, it is revealed that he later beat a man to death for no reason. ........

Source: Wikipedia